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Emerging Producers Workshop

Sunday, 23rd June 2024, 10:00 am - 5:00 pm

This free workshop is a collaboration between Creative Waikato and The Meteor Theatre.

Our intention is to build capacity for producers in the local creative community to upskill in this vital role, across multiple arts  genres. The facilitators are respected professional producers with national and international touring experience. They will provide an industry and experience driven lens over the role of a producer, what this entails and how to take on the challenge of this position. And answer your burning questions also!

Join us on Sunday, 23rd June at 10am – 5pm, for The  Emerging Producers Workshop.

A day that will inform and inspire you to lift your Producer game!  Topics covered include:

What is the role of a Producer? What do I need to consider and focus on? Is it all about budgets and timelines? Or is it a creative process itself? Led by Vanessa Immink.

Touring. How to talk to venues? How do I get my show into a venue I don’t know? What are the practicalities of touring? What resources do I need for venues? Led by Leo Jean Peters.

Marketing. How do I tell the story of my story? How do I get my show noticed and word out there? How do I make an impact on a budget. How can I build audience development and recognition? Led by Candice DeVilliers.

Sustainability – Who do I need on my team and how do I care for them? What other roles do I need to help with this production? How do I bring people on board and what do they need to do a good job in their role? Led by Andrew Malmo.

Wrapping It Up – What have we learned? What are the next steps on this journey? How can I continue to build skills. Led by Chloe Weavers.

There will be lots of space for local producers to korero with industry professionals. The workshop will be broken down into sessions on each topic with Q&A and networking at the end of each session. Lunch is included in this free workshop too. 

All you have to do is register here: Producers Workshop Rego


Sunday, 23rd June 2024
10:00 am - 5:00 pm


The Meteor Theatre
1 Victoria st
Hamilton, New Zealand